Friday, May 14, 2010

The Wider Circle

There is a wider circle

That every soul should know

Where pain stings much deeper

And spirits are brought so low.

In there, are plaintive voices growing louder

From hunger and misery unappeased

From homelessness and hopelessness

That has yet to cease.

Do not speak about never having enough

When others have nothing to speak of

Do not fret about the clime while fully clothed

And on the near nakedness of some, still have the gall to gloat

Look closely and carefully at that circle

And please, please do not take delight

On the knowledge that you enjoy a greater edge

Or in their filth and decay, them, you must despise.

For if you do, then you have done the same

To me, whom you call, “my Lord”

Because once, I was in that circle too

And on its shores was moored.

So do not resort to indifference or apathy

If you would want to be true

To the faith that you profess so ostensibly

Since there is still so much work to do

So take my hand and hold on tight

For the toil ahead would be tough

However, rest assured that in the end

Your cause will not go to naught.

You may expire from weariness

With your friends forgetting your name

But in my kingdom, your room awaits

With my love for you, timelessly set aflame.

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