Saturday, July 11, 2009

Reflection on Matthew 10: 7-15

Why would we want to rock the boat when we can just enjoy the ride?

As Christians, we are called to become God's prophets - witnesses to and bearers of His Good News. However, being a prophet is no walk in the park since one is bound to disturb
comfort zones in order to present better possibilities and broader horizons, or as Fr. Jerry Orbos puts it, "to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."

Moreover, there are problems more intractable than the challenges of changing hearts like say, the formidable task of dealing with
frozen hearts.

So what are we to do?

In such circumstance, Jesus tells us, in today's Gospel, never to give up on people despite the fact that there will always be moments that people may not be willing or not yet ready to move forward with us. We are not to badger, or get angry or to condemn them but just to move on - to hold these people in prayer, to hope for the future, to commend them into God's hands and let go.

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